Guides and Tipsheets
Title: | Derek Mowbray's guide to the WellBeing and Performance Agenda |
Subject | Industrial & Organizational Psychology |
Publisher | MAS Publishing Ltd |
Published on | March 2014 |
Binding | Ring Bound |
No of Pages | 126 |
ISBN | 978-0-9573835-3-1 |
Price | £14.99 |
This Guide introduces The WellBeing and Performance Agenda. The ‘Big Idea’ of the Agenda is ‘sharing responsibility for the future success of the organisation’.
The elements and processes involved in achieving shared responsibility are those that create and sustain a healthy organisation and psychological wellbeing and performance in individuals.
This Agenda has been developed to help organisations transform from poor, average or good performance to peak performance by focusing on the triggers that create a healthy organisation and help the workforce feel psychologically well and motivated.
One of the major impairments to achieving peak performance is stress. Even those with low levels of stress can find themselves unable to concentrate on their work, and this can go on for months and years. For the individual it can be months and years of misery. The costs to organisations are enormous.
The workplace should be a fabulous place to work. It should be an enjoyable place to work. It should be a healthy organisation. It is a controlled community, controlled by leaders and managers, and therefore, can be easily constructed to provoke psychological wellbeing. The workplace could and should be an oasis, a place to run to escape the challenges of ordinary domestic life. The workplace has all the ingredients to make us feel fabulous. It is the manner in which the ingredients are managed which largely determines how we feel about our work and the workplace, and whether or not we are motivated to perform at our peak.
Stress is preventable. The processes involved transform organisations into places where people feel safe, happy, energised, motivated and successful and the organisation achieves peak performance.
This Guide provides the steps to take to progress from being an ordinary place to work to being ‘a fabulous place to work’.