
Guides to help you make your workplace a fabulous place to work!

MAS Guides

Guides to help you achieve outstanding success

MAS guides have been created to help individuals and leaders achieve improvements in wellbeing and increased performance in the workplace.

This page provides an overview of all the guides and guide sets.

image of manager explaining resilience

Leadership Guides

Taking a Lead

The work of MAS is to prevent stress in the workplace by promoting psychological wellbeing and resilience.

Stress has a major and significant impact on performance. Stress hijacks concentration. Without being able to concentrate there is no performance.

Dr Mowbray's Guide, ‘Taking a Lead’

'Taking a Lead' describes how leaders influence their organisation, teams and individuals to prevent stress.

The Guide focuses on the power to prevent stress, leader behaviour, leader skills, cultural influences, and day to day leadership, each aimed at improving individual and team concentration, and engagement with work, team and organisation.

The Guide contains advice, questionnaires, exercises, and tips.

‘Taking a Lead’ Development Programme.

This programme, facilitated by Dr Derek Mowbray, helps delegates implement 'Taking a Lead', using the Guide as a workbook, supported by practical activities to embed the steps needed to prevent stress in the workplace.

The outcome is a leader equipped with the skills and knowledge to influence individuals, teams and the organisation to apply triggers that provoke psychological wellbeing and prevent events that cause stress in people.

About the Guide. The Guide is a practical workbook with explanations, questionnaires and exercises. It is A4, spiral bound, 134 pages, designed to be written in and referred to as the learning is embedded and put into practice. Ideal for use by management teams as Action Learning Sets. Available for purchase from our website - price £39 including postage within the UK (Europe and rest of the World - usual post charges apply).

Adaptive Leadership

The Guide to Adaptive Leadership explains that Adaptive Leadership is a process based on the principle of ‘sharing responsibility for the future success of the organisation’ – shared with everyone in the workforce. The process is based on the knowledge that healthy self interest, and that of others, is tied together. The Guide to Adaptive Leadership is written to help Champions for Change bring about a change in the process of leadership and management.

The Guide explains Adaptive Leadership and sets out the phases of implementation.

Psychological Responsibility@Work

This is a Guide to help you look after your psychological health and wellbeing at work, as well as helping others to do the same.

There is a connection between feeling mentally fit and doing things well. You will know yourself that when you feel bright, alert and cheerful you find the energy to do anything and everything. It’s a great feeling to have.

Adopting Psychological Responsibility will help you rejuvenate flagging energy and stimulate enthusiasm to work effectively and productively. You’ll feel much better if you can achieve this, and help others feel the same.

Transforming Managers to Leaders

Brilliant leaders deal with uncertainty, navigate through the maze of conflicting demands, can envision the future, and convey their enthusiasm and complete commitment to achieving great success. Generally,managers deal with processes and certainty. Their lives revolve around completing tasks and delivering what is expected from them.

This Guide helps to transform managers into leaders who lead people. It provides insights into the purpose of leaders, everyday behaviours that inspire, and the behaviours that persuade. It sets out the steps to create a healthy organisation - a pre-requisite for a successful business, one that realises its true and full potential.

Wellbeing and Performance Agenda

The Guide to the Wellbeing and Performance Agenda presents the WellBeing and Performance Agenda, a systemic approach to the prevention of Psychological Presenteeism and the achievement of peak performance. It examines the four key elements: adaptive organisational culture, adaptive leadership, adaptive working environment and the adaptive individual and lays emphasis on the necessity of addressing all four elements as part of a strategic approach to developing an organisation's peak performance.

It is written for Champions for Change, those involved with Organisation and Management Development, and provides the processes to achieve peak performance from individuals and organisations.

Resilience Guides

Manager’s Role in Stress Prevention

The purpose of this Guide is to raise awareness, impart some understanding and skills, and to make a difference by helping Managers to:

  • prevent events and behaviours that may trigger stressful reactions;
  • adopt intelligent behaviours that prevent stress in the workforce and, simultaneously,
  • create and sustain a working environment that enables the workforce to thrive and produce consistent peak performance;
  • recognise the signs of negative stress within their team and take the appropriate action.

Managers Role in Resilience

Managers operate at all levels of the organisation. They set the tone, the climate and the expectations for the workforce. They wield enormous power over others and it is important that this power is used to achieve mental wellbeing and performance for organisations to achieve consistent peak performance.

This Guide aims to help with the creation of a working environment that provokes positive attitudes and peak performance within the workforce, reduces the events and poor behaviours that may trigger stress and reduces the need for the workforce to call on their resilience.

Organisational Resilience

This Guide examines the psychological environment in which the leaders and workforce are expected to work and makes the link between the psychological environment and the performance of the organisation's people.

It focuses on the organisation as one with a positive culture, timely responsiveness, enhanced reputation, consistent peak performance, and a socially engaged workforce.

In the Guide you will find frameworks, questionnaires and exercises to help with the development of your organisation into one that is resilient, with a psychologically healthy workforce performing consistently at its peak.

Personal Resilience

This Guide to Personal Resilience is designed to boost Personal Resilience by helping to strengthen your attitude generally, so that when you have to confront a specific challenging event, you have stronger all round personal resilience and a greater understanding of how to face up to and overcome the challenge.

The Personal Resilience Guide contains our Resilience Assessment Questionnaire along with tasks and exercises to complete, which when taken together, will have a positive impact on personal resilience.

Team Resilience

The Guide to Team Resilience aims to develop teams as vibrant mini organisations, sensitive to their environment and with the capability and capacity to maintain performance through change and challenge.

The exercises and questionnaires in the Guide require teams to work together to raise awareness and understanding, and collectively develop resilience and the intelligent behaviours found in high performing teams.

Guide sets

The Complete Guide Set

Consists of all nine guides:

  • Personal Resilience
  • Managers Role in Resilience
  • Team Resilience
  • Organisational Resilience
  • Manager’s Role in Stress Prevention
  • Psychological Responsibility@Work
  • Wellbeing and Performance Agenda
  • Adaptive Leadership
  • Transforming Managers to Leaders

The complete collection of Guides can be bought for approximately 10% discount to the total price of the nine books bought separately.

Complete Resilience Guide Set

Consists of five guides:

  • Personal Resilience
  • Managers Role in Resilience
  • Team Resilience
  • Organisational Resilience
  • Manager’s Role in Stress Prevention

The Complete Resilience Guide set can be bought for approximately 10% discount to the total price of the nine books bought separately.

Managers and Leaders Set

Consists of four guides:

  • Transforming Managers to Leaders
  • Managers Role in Resilience
  • Adaptive Leadership
  • Team Resilience

The Guide Set for Managers can be bought for approximately 10% discount to the total price of the four books bought separately.

Mini Resilience Guide Set

consists of:

  • Personal Resilience
  • Managers Role in Resilience
  • Team Resilience

The Mini Resilience Guide set can be bought for approximately 10% discount to the total price of the three books bought separately.

MAS Guides

Further information about purchasing options
  • Purchase bulk copies
  • Branded copies for your organisation
  • Need an Invoice?

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